Markets: Cypher

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Revision as of 02:31, 22 December 2023 by Ninja (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Cypher market was launched during early 2020 and provides a wallet-less experience where buyers receive an invoice containing a one-time Bitcoin or Monero wallet address during checkout where they can send funds to complete their orders. The market’s rules prohibit vendors from selling “weapons, explosives, fentanil, carfentanil, CP or anything that is harmfull to humanbeings.”. Additionally, vendors are prohibited from spamming their listings or placing their list...")
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Cypher market was launched during early 2020 and provides a wallet-less experience where buyers receive an invoice containing a one-time Bitcoin or Monero wallet address during checkout where they can send funds to complete their orders. The market’s rules prohibit vendors from selling “weapons, explosives, fentanil, carfentanil, CP or anything that is harmfull to humanbeings.”. Additionally, vendors are prohibited from spamming their listings or placing their listings under the wrong categories. They take %1 commission on each sale and have their vendor bond set at $500. They also offer a $100 reward for users who inform them of not properly updating their canary.